Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Right out of the starting gate

In my first two hours in LA, having lunch by the pool at the hotel, I caught a fleeting glimpse––FLEETING, I tell you––of a silver-haired man, wearing a baseball cap, heading to a chaise lounge to drop off his backpack.  And I said to Ben, "Is that John Slattery?"
I know it's hard to see, but I had to be discreet. I pretended to be looking at something  on my iPod.

Would I be telling you this if it weren't?
 Roger Sterling himself, doing laps for fifteen minutes or so. And it was a Red Sox cap, by the way.

And this was lunch. Lovely and delicious.

My introduction to Winsor Pilates Studio was a class in something called Capoeira. Has anyone heard of this? It's Brazilian martial arts. You can Google it. (Sorry, I'm a little too sleepy to find a good link to a video for you. If you do look at one, don't get too excited. What we did were some very very basic moves, more like jazzercise than jiu jitsu.) The instructor was a lovely young woman named Allisandra with a huge smile and the flattest abs ever.
I have not yet met Mari.
Oh, oh––almost forgot: then we saw Elisabeth Moss having photos taken in the hotel garden.
I have an excellent source for tons of gossip––Sunil, the Director of (VIP) Guest Relations, whom Ben has befriended from the last time he stayed here. Discretion is apparently not a job requirement. He alerted us in advance about the photo op for "Lizzy" Moss, and has freely shared tales of plenty of other former guests. . .
But I'm sleepy now––it's been a long day. Tomorrow I will meet Mari and presumably do some Pilates.
When I wake up at some ungodly east coast hour, I'll write some more.


  1. There's a Capoeira studio on our corner. The sounds coming out of there really liven up our neighborhood.

    Also, John Slattery!!

  2. sounds like that wonderful drink Emmy loved a few summers ago- and from Brazil I might add- a CAIPARINA- emphasis on the second i.
