Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jump right in

Hello People of Earth,

As (sort of) promised, here is my blog, created for the purpose of sharing photos and description of my LA Pilates adventure. All the previous entries were preparatory, to figure out how to post photos, etc. and to give me a running start. Today I found out how to include links! You can read back issues if you have nothing better to do--but you won't have missed anything if you start right here.

To summarize the circumstances:
I am heading to Los Angeles tomorrow for six days to do Pilates. And some other exercise, I think. With Mari Winsor.

Each of you expressed an interest in hearing about what transpires, and I thought this would be a more creative and satisfying (to me) way of letting you know, preferable to trying to give you the highlight reel in a dozen individual conversations or messages once I get back.

I'm not experienced at this kind of sharing. I am a very willing water-cooler anecdote-teller and an enthusiastic recounter of experiences, gossip, and/or personal revelations in email form, but this broad-spectrum sharing is alien to me. I'm in a discomfort zone, between cheerfully spilling the beans and guarding the beans and coyly calling them lentils to protect their identity. The way I'd tell one of you a story might sound phony and embarrassing to another of you. This causes me anxiety.

But this blog is about stretching. See the name of it? STRETCHING, get it? I like things that have multiple meanings. (It's not exactly a portmanteau word; that would be something like "Growtching" or "Strexperiences.") And part of the stretching I want to do is letting people see things I write, without apology.

And this wasn't QUITE an apology.

So now––let the fun begin! I'm packed, I've got my boarding pass printed, the taxi is coming at 6:45 a.m. tomorrow.
Here are some things I don't normally do that I'm going to be doing:
Traveling alone.
Flying alone.
Going near the San Andreas Fault.
Staying in a Four Seasons Hotel. In Beverly Hills.
Talking to strangers.

Ready for takeoff

If you don't see any more posts it means that either I couldn't figure out how to use the wifi in the hotel, or I have become a Pilates casualty and my typing muscles are no longer functioning. 

Bye bye!

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