Saturday, May 14, 2011

Best-laid plans

Remember that "very minor muscle pain" in my right hip from May 3?

Yesterday it was a little more pronounced, and today it is a problem. Damn.

My goal the last two weeks was to get more flexible and more stretched out, so that my first day at the Pilates studio wouldn't do me in completely. But I gave myself an injury instead. I imagine I wasn't doing things correctly and if I had waited to be supervised while attempting these moves, I would have been corrected on the spot and this injury would have been prevented.

But, to quote the Secretary of State: "Woulda, coulda, shoulda." 

So, I'm taking Advil, icing the sore area, walking, and doing some of the modified exercises and stretches from the chapter in The Pilates Powerhouse called "Lower Back Pain and Weakness."  I guess I shoulda consulted the section on "Injuries and Injury Prevention" before I started.

In further updates, tonight is the gala, and I'm sorry to report that I will not be wearing those bronze shoes. The heels are very high, for the likes of me, and I wobble. Since the evening involves walking around a museum––on shiny, marble floors––all night, I'm going to minimize the risk of further injury. A small sacrifice on the fashion front, I guess, but I'm setting my priorities. I want to be able to walk onto a plane on Wednesday morning and lift my suitcase into the overhead compartment on my own power.

In the next few days I have to make the decision about inviting a few more readers into this arena. I am conflicted. I am eager to share the experience with interested parties, but very self-conscious about it, too.

It's all part of stretching, I know. Still. The contemplation of it makes me uncomfortable.

Thoughts, reader?

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts are that this is a very enjoyable blog to read. And I would imagine that others (especially those who already know you) would think so too.

    Once I post another post on my blog, I'm considering opening that up to one additional reader as well. (A certain friend with the initials S.S.)

    I say, stretch away.
