Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Now vee may perhaps to begin. Yes?

Two very kind readers encouraged me to continue posting. 
About what? I asked. Going to the supermarket?

Here's the thing about stretching. If you don't keep it up, you start to feel stiff pretty quickly. My back and my legs have been aching the last four or five days, in a way they didn't before or during my Pilates week. I'm going to check out one of the Pilates studio candidates today to see if I can get back on a Reformer before too much more time goes by.

My eating plan also took an unfortunate turn this weekend. I can't resist my own baking, is the problem, and I ended up making two birthday cakes. They were delicious. 

For the photo interval, I will illustrate an abbreviated history of my themed birthday cakes:

This year, the shape was "Birthday Cake."

Buttercream frosting is the best. There's a Weight Watchers slogan that goes something like "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." This is not correct. 

But back to my theme. Since the physical aspects of stretching were so easily subverted, I extrapolate to the metaphoric––an alternate blog title?––and come to the conclusion that the two lovely readers had my best interests in mind when they encouraged me to keep posting. 

So, now vee may perhaps to begin.* 

*That's the last line of Philip Roth's Portnoy's Complaint. You see, Portnoy, the narrator, spends the entire book explaining to his psychiatrist his whole life story, his complicated psychological history, and all the reasons he is so screwed up,  and at the end of it all, that's what the psychiatrist says. I shouldn't be explaining things like that, should I?


  1. I find that the hardest thing about writing anything is maintaining the conviction that "I shouldn't be explaining things like that." Somehow, perversely, having to explain makes one feel stupid, whereas not having to explain makes one feel smart. Plus in this case I knew the reference.

    I guess sometimes explanations are necessary, but I say go ahead and let your readers do some of the lifting.

  2. Ditto. And, hey, anyone reading this is THIS far away from googling anything they don't know.
