Friday, May 6, 2011

Bottle it

It's a good day.
I don't know what to credit, but I suspect it's some of this:

and a little of that:

and a lot of this:

I know enough to know that the endorphins produced by this happy confluence of circumstances and influences are not likely to last very long. Eventually some . . . what would they be––dorphins?. . .will flood in to take their place. But at least I'm entertaining the idea that I might be able to pinpoint a recipe or a formula that I can turn to again, with the hope of reproducing the beneficial result. 

For the record, I did the Pilates beginner mat work on M-W of this week; I took a long walk on T-Th, and I did both today, Friday.  I didn't have any muscle pain associated with new exercise, and while I first thought this mean I wasn't doing the movements correctly, I'm willing to think that Pilates is such a gentle form of exercise that pain is not a necessary by-product.

Yes, I'm anticipating looking back at this thought in two weeks and shaking my head at my pitiful naivete, while grimacing with acute pain in every part of my body.


  1. Wonderful. I'm sure it's a bit of all of the above. Absolutely try to bottle it so that you can recreate it.

    And wonderful wonderful about all the good things you're doing for yourself. :) Your lawyer is proud.

  2. Thank you, thank you, Lawyer!
