Monday, May 9, 2011

"Distrust any enterprise that requires new clothes."

Henry David Thoreau said that. 

But, come on--he was a dude and lived, like, a million years ago. Right?

Of COURSE my enterprise requires new clothes. 

I've already bought:

 A tote bag/purse for optimal carry-on volume:

And a new hat for blocking harmful rays while lounging poolside. {Sorry, no picture.}

{OK, it's this.}

But what I really need are workout clothes--yoga pants and such. So I went to Marshall's this evening and bought two such pants and two workout tops. This, added to what I already have, should take me through six days of Pilates. I hope. 

The question remains, though, do I need any other new clothes? I'll be staying in a rather posh hotel, but it seems to me that my only activities will be working out at the Pilates studio, eating Sunfare microwaved meals in my room, and sleeping.  So, I'm kind of stumped about what else to pack. 

First things first, though: I have a fancy-dress gala to go to this Saturday (unfortunately in my pre-Pilates-miracle-transformation state, but what can you do).  I was informed--ahem--that I need "grown-up" shoes to go with my dress, so I bought a pair at Marshall's this evening. There's a better-than-even chance that I will be returning them, I'd say, but I'll try them out at home for a few days. They are sure to hurt--that's a given--and I will likely never wear them a second time, but do they fit the bill for this one-time need? Hmmm...

I know you're itching to see what they look like. 
Let me assure you that, color-wise, they are PERFECT. And pretty cheap (Franco Sarto). So, it's all a matter of how many bandaids I can hide under those straps, I think.

Now I feel bad about dissing Thoreau, up there. I like Thoreau a lot. 

But I don't think anybody needs to take fashion tips from him.

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