Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Pee-house of the August Moon

I've devoted a lot of real estate here to the subject of toilets. (Above is another control panel where the sound of actual flushing comes through that speaker, amplified. Why ?) Let me add that public toilets in every city and location we visited were plentiful, clean, and well-stocked. Anyone who has spent any time with me knows this merits 5 stars in my personal Michelin guide. And now I leave the topic of personal and public plumbing for the duration. 

Here are some assorted photos, not yet included:
In Kyoto. 

Historic rich merchant's home in Takayama. 

Fresh made ginger ale with real ginger. V. good. 

Fashionable young man in Tokyo. 

Puzzling novelty item in Tokyo department store. Magic foot-long Smorkin Labbit, sexy time. 

Puzzling sign outside cafe in the Ginza:
"Love-inviting cat in Ginza"

Cool dude in Starbucks last night in Shibuya. This is THE hairstyle for cool dudes all over Japan. It must be a real day of reckoning for a Japanese man to realize he is at an age where he must start combing his hair back off his forehead. 
Cool (?) dudette in Starbucks last night. Requisite something lacy, nude pantyhose (if no ankle socks) and heels. 

Ha ha ha. 

Stuff we bought that now has to find a place in our luggage. Drastic the baggage!!

That's all, folks!! Thanks for following along! Arigato gozaimashte!!

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