Thursday, May 8, 2014

Karaoke night

I'm up way too late, and therefore this will have to be short. Why I'm up so late will have to wait, though I guess the title is a pretty good hint. When in Rome, right?

What I do want to record is that I'm giving myself about a million "stretching" points today. One of my first posts three years ago was about what a big deal it was for me to take Amtrak to Princeton by myself. To the point that I posted a photo of the ticket. 

So while  D was busy with his conference all day, I took a little trip on my own:

On the ridiculous front, this was the sign for the luggage and backpack department at a store in Himeji:
In case it's too hard to read, that says "Drastic the Baggage." There are examples of this kind of thing everywhere. It would not have been polite to try to photograph the man whose tshirt read "first state of university" or the super fashiony young woman whose expensive looking white leather jacket read, across the back: "RATIONAL.  Objent Velocity." (sic)

And here's what I purchased across from Himeji Castle. It's green tea flavor:

It was a good day. 

1 comment:

  1. What did you sing??

    And I agree, you get a million points for taking a train in Japan by yourself.
