Friday, May 16, 2014

Let's go, Carps!

Welcome to Saturday. I think. 

Yesterday--which you are just finishing up, slaggards--was warm, sunny, a little humid, breezy, and full of noodles. 

No more than usual though. Here is my lunch. Plastic or real food?
You be the judge:

We walked on the Ginza again since that is where the hotel is located. (Not sure if you say "in Ginza" or "in the Ginza" or "on the Ginza.") Then we walked (and walked, etc.) to the Imperial Palace and Gardens, both of which are listed as worthwhile sites to visit. Neither of our guidebooks bothered to mention that they are closed to visitors on Fridays. Arigato gozaimas, guidebooks!

More walking brought us to:
Tokyo Dome!

Where, after some minor confusion, we scored these:
 See how it says "squiggle squiggle 16:00" and then "squiggle squiggle 18:00"?
We thought, boy, we know everything is very punctual here (all our trains have left and arrived extractly on schedule, to the minute), but how do they know the game will be exactly 2 hours long? 

So we arrived at 16:00 to discover that the first "squiggle squiggle" must mean "gates open at."

Two hours later (we could only nab standing room tickets, by the way), the action began. Hiroshima Carps whooped the Giants, and luckily we were standing among a very enthusiastic crowd of Carps fans, who cheered elaborate, complicated cheers. Only after dozens of hearings did we realize that part of what they were saying was "let's go [player name]!" ("Let's go" in English. Sort of.)
They have cheerleaders. 
It was fun!

Quick fashion report:
Socks with heels at Tokyo Dome. 

Various typical looks on the street. 

And here's a typical street name, just FYI. 
Is it any wonder my head is swimming?(but not as much as the people riding this thing (at the stadium)):

Today: off to Harajuku to see what Gwen Stefani was talking about ten years ago. 

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