Thursday, May 15, 2014


Yesterday's dinner in Tokyo was delish

but I could really go for not-fish-soup for breakfast today. 

Here's hoping for oatmeal. And maybe toast?

The Ginza (or the Gonzales, as autocorrect would have it) is indeed very chic and lined with block after block after block of highest-end-everything stores.   Beautiful young women with unbelievably luxurious hair, wearing very high heels with lacy anklet socks. And constantly looking at their cell phones as they walk, but what else is new. 

This woman was slurping noodles next to us at about 6 pm. Note sequins, though sans anklets. 

I'll try to get some photos of the chi-chi stores and wares tomorrow, but for today, enjoy this:

I'll come back with an update on breakfast, included at our (Marriott) hotel. 
Close enough. 

1 comment:

  1. Is that an actual bottle of milk next to your cereal?
    I love every single one of these posts. Actually, I wish I could pay you to travel around the world and take pictures and entertain me with witty and insightful quips. And test the toilets.
