Thursday, July 14, 2011

On the road

I'm heading out in a few hours––a trip to NYC for A&E, R&R––and therefore I'll be off duty until Sunday, at least.

How will you all manage?

I do admit that this blogging habit over the past three months has made me feel that it is my responsibility to share my daily personal revelations––however fleeting and infinitesimal in scope––with you, my little readership. I know my responsibility is only to myself, but that's the "mission" this project has begun to acquire.

I'm ready to apologize for my presumptuousness, but why should I? Henry Winkler wrote a book of reflections on life, family, and blah blah:

Kanye West wrote a book of "creative, humorous, and insightful philosophies and anecdotes used in creating his path to success."

Gwyneth Paltrow is happy enough to tell you how to live.

And so on . . . too many to count in this category. I'll let this one speak for them all.

A book I came back to this week that falls into the same category but is actually worth reading is Anne Morrow Lindbergh's Gift from the Sea. I read it a few months ago for book group after having avoided it for years, thinking it was a Hallmark Card novelty book of affirmations or Christian aphorisms. It is not. I'm going to have to save my more detailed praise for it until another time, because the road awaits. 

To fully confess my own inflated feeling of self-importance when it comes to dispensing wisdom, I will end with this moment from Broadcast News, which is chock-full of quotable lines of dialogue. Seriously––go back and watch it, if you haven't seen it lately. 

Paul Moore: It must be nice to always believe you know better, to always think you're the smartest person in the room. 
Jane Craig: No. It's awful. 

Have a good weekend, everyone! Try to muddle through! 

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