Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Land of Tape and Broth

My heart will soon be in the Highlands. Along with the rest of my major organs, if all goes well.

I'm a tad nervous, I'll admit. I'll take this as evidence that I am stretching the stretching muscles, I guess, so it's all for a good cause.

So, I'm signing off until the next chapter from the land of kilts and bagpipes. Haggis and oatmeal.  Castles and whisky.

Oh, wait. One of the guidebooks has a list of Scottish Words and Phrases, and they claim these are in common, everyday usage, but advise visitors not to use them themselves, lest they be thought to be "showing off." Beyond the expected bonnie and wee, I like these two, which are food items:

champit tatties
clootie dumpling

I don't feel like telling you what they are. If I see either one on a menu, I'll report back.

If nobody hears from me for 100 years, you can assume I'm dancing with Gene Kelly.

Love, love,
Clootie Dumpling


  1. Hahaha. Clootie dumpling made me laugh a lot.

    I think it's good that it's scary. It means you'll enjoy it even more and be even more proud that you did it.

    Can't wait to see pictures! :)

  2. I think this trip is going to be great all around. Scotland is gorgeous and you are on an adventure.

    One tip, which you probably already know from guidebooks: many restaurants have you order at the bar. It took us about 45 minutes to figure this out our first night there.

    Have a wonderful time!
