Tuesday, July 12, 2016

"The first day seemed like a week."

It took a solid 23 hours to wend our way from our home doorstep to our hotel doorstep in Vancouver. As we were wending, we took solace in thinking that every development would contribute to "a great story to tell," but after a day it seems like just another boring tale of multiple delays; missed connections; a loooong layover; more delays; a gaggle of rambunctious, very loud, and minimally supervised children on our late-night flight; sustained turbulence; watching a long stretch of scary lightning flashes out the plane window; and crossing the US/Canada border at 3:30 am in a VW beetle. 

We were greeted very cordially by the night manager (sadly not Tom Hiddleston) of L'Hermitage and were asleep at the crack of 5:00 am (local--so please add three hours for our impressive feat: pulling an all-nighter at the combined age of 129).

After 5 hours of Canadian sleep, we hit the town, and it seems like a very pleasant place, but I'm still a little too bleary to make a lot of sense of it. 
Here are a few photos, and I'll try to be more insightful tomorrow. 
The site of the Olympic flame in 2010.  Cool looking. 
A very big tree trunk in Stanley Park. 
Cruella DeVille de Vancouver


  1. Crossing the border in a VW Beetle at 3:30 a.m. sounds sort of fun/romantic but that is LATE. I feel for how tired you must have been/must still be. Also, that Cruella DeVille photo is very nice, with the white stripe in the railing echoing the stripe in the hair. I look forward to more!

  2. I'm with you on the "sadly not Tom Hiddleston" front. I'm just back from a half-as-long-but-still-quite long journey from Tucson, via Dallas, so I'm catching up!
