Saturday, July 16, 2016

Do you believe in ferries?

The Orcas ferry is busted! 

So there was no day trip to Orcas Island today. Instead we drove completely around the circumference of this island, once across the midline, and walked/hiked somewhere around 8 miles too (my Fitbit overestimates my mileage so I always shave off about 15% from what it reports, plus it doesn't adjust to the time zone so my mileage reboots at 9 pm here). 

We ended up seeing a lot of non-human living creatures today including four bald eagles (!), alpacas (at an alpaca farm), a heron, two harbor porpoises (needed binoculars for them), many deer, hummingbirds, assorted other birds, bees, horses, cows and one sheep. 
Yesterday we saw a camel. I sh*t you not. 

Welcome to English Camp! Please you will to join us in the learning!

This is what it really means--history! We visited American Camp too. 

Here is a photo from American Camp:
This is going to be my drawing of the day because it will be a tutorial in perspective. 

We visited Pelindaba Lavender farm
and tried some lavender ice cream. 

 There are piles and piles of HUGE pieces of driftwood all up and down one part of the coastline. 

There IS a hummingbird in this photo. 

There IS a deer in this photo. 

There IS a salmon taco in this photo. And it was good. 

Artsy shots to end the tour. 

If the ferry isn't fixed tomorrow, we may have to do the whole circuit again. Or visit the laundromat. 

* answer to yesterday's question: nobody at breakfast said anything about world events. 

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