Saturday, August 1, 2015


Today, as I restored color to my photographs, the weather took the hint, too. Rain and mist and fog and gray are gone! BLUE sky, sunny heat, reasonable humidity, refreshing breeze (some of the time, anyway).

Today was two things: Fortress Louisbourg and driving.

Fortress Louisbourg is a recreated town from 1740. Painstakingly historically accurately reproduced. Still––reproduced. And one of those places with people in costume, a la Sturbridge Village (for you New Englanders) or Colonial Williamsburg (I assume; I've never been).

I don't want to suggest it wasn't interesting and charming and informative and fun to experience. It was. I think I'm just a little tired from being on the road for six days and staying in a new place every night and running through most of my clean t-shirts. In fact, you find me now waiting on the lower level of the place we're staying tonight, waiting to move our laundry from the washer to the dryer. And––ugh––now I see I'll have to send it all through another rinse and spin cycle.

So in the interest of me not getting to sound too cranky, here are pictures from the day. You can figure it all out.

Soon after this, cannons were shot. They went "Boom."

Kitchen actress
We ate lunch at one of two restaurants on the grounds that served a historically correct menu with historically correct dishes and cutlery.
This was my lunch of bread and cheese. And a spoon.

We spent about four hours and it was all pleasant. Then we drove about three and a half hours to Pictou, back on the mainland of Nova Scotia (no longer on Cape Breton Island). Tomorrow we will take a ferry to Prince Edward Island and will stay TWO nights in the same location! And I'll have all clean clothes, theoretically. 

I'm not crazy about the place we're in tonight. I mean, it's FINE. But it's no Bean Barn. And we had dinner at another "Lobster [Receptacle]" restaurant, which was also FINE. But then the ice cream place I had spied before we chose our dinner spot was closed by the time we finished, and now this load of laundry is still soapy, and I guess that's it.

But look how blue the sky was today. So blue!

This is my favorite shot of the day.
You know, I think I figured out why today felt a little off.
There were hardly any rocks.

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