Sunday, June 12, 2011

Indulge me

It's a comical request, since this entire endeavor is nothing if not an indulgence, and anyone reading it on any given day is indulging me.
But my particular entreaty today comes because there will be barely any content, and certainly nothing of thematic interest. The purpose of this posting is to reinstate my habit of observing, thinking, and writing with regularity. I haven't posted in four days, and I am discovering for the thousandth time that it is startlingly easy to abandon a pattern of behavior.  It slips away without a struggle. The struggle is to stay on course.
I'm not about to give up so easily. So here I am!

Luckily, I have a small offering, and it includes photos, so all the better. Today being a dreary, rainy, chilly June day, we thought of making soup and baking bread. Soup-making is not very remarkable, but bread-baking hasn't been attempted in this household for a few decades, I think. I'm sorry it didn't occur to me to capture the whole effort in photo form until we were a good way into the process, but here is the limited storyboard:

We used the recipe from the back of the yeast packet––a basic whole wheat bread.

When I say "we," I actually mean the man of the house. I served in a supervisory capacity.

Great relief when the dough actually did rise to nearly double its size. Whew!

Cooling. Handsome, no?

Good texture. 

Freshly baked bread with butter was the reward. Delicious.


  1. Yum. Making bread always seems a little magical. I'm inspired to take our bread maker out of hibernation, though it won't be as fun as doing it by hand.
