Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Farewell, Portlandia east

My first day of posting was thwarted by lack of cell service on the open sea. Sure there's wifi on the ferry--for a fee. But did the early seafarers pay for wifi? They did not!  And neither will I. 

So you may see this in the morning and if you do, think of me waking in my little bunk . . . 
. . . $13.00 richer!!

Because on Deck 8:


That was after my very first bet of 21 cents!

Had I stopped there . . . Ah, but I didn't. 

Here are the other photos from embarking today. After waiting with 99 other cars for about 90 minutes we entered here:

And you already saw our cute little cabin, and here's the bathroom: 

Whaddyaknow? I managed to sneak in a toilet photo. 

Next stop: Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. 

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